Exegesis created the original National Bat Monitoring Programme portal, covering four surveys by 2013. The site had remained active and in used by Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) volunteers for well over a decade, but had become dated. BCT and Joint Nature Conservation Committee therefore jointly funded a project to rebuild the NBMP portal in modern technology, allowing volunteers and BCT to enter and manage data well into the future.
In parallel to this, BCT also commissioned Exegesis to build an online database for bat ringing records. The decision was made to combine the NBMP and National Ringed Bat Database into a single online portal, as much of the underlying structure and functionality could then be shared.
The NBMP portal covers roost, hibernation, field and waterway surveys, reflecting the functionality in the original portal. Each survey includes recording forms, site mapping, data downloads and reports for NBMP volunteers. The mapping varies in complexity from a simple dot map for roost locations to sectioned transect editing for field and waterway surveys (pictured). In addition, there are tools to help BCT staff run the programme, including administration pages, email notifications for volunteer activity, as well as an Access administration client that connects to the database remotely.

The Ringed Bat Database is constructed for use by advanced experts, as bat ringing requires a licence. Nevertheless, some bat ringers will also be NBMP volunteers, so a shared portal allows users to see everything in one place. Bat ringers can enter, upload and view ringing and recapture records. Records will also be provided to the relevant statutory authority, as required by bat ringing licences. Bat ringers can also purchase bat rings and manage their orders through the site.
Visit the new National Bat Monitoring Programme portal and Ringed Bat Database.
Further information from Richard Griffiths.