Texel, The Netherlands
Clearly, moving your work into a system like CMSi involves some investment of time. But if you decide to make that move you will have the assurance that we will be there to guide you through that business change. And of course we can put you in touch with any number of organisations who have had similar experience. Ultimately, though, this investment will be proved a sound one as CMSi streamlines your work, better informs your management and provides you with the tools you need to make most effective and efficient use of the resources available to you.
There many features within CMSi that enable this. Here are just a few of them:
- CMSi fully integrates all aspects of site management from site planning to habitat and species recording to property and cultural heritage management
- Fully scalable from single sites through to international site networks
- Web provides a role-based interface to staff, contractors, volunteers and the public
- Offers integration with external applications such as finance systems
- Mobile solution provides flexibility in the field
- Powerful reporting tools ensure you realise the full potential of your data to inform your management decisions
- CMSi is a software implementation of the Adaptive Management Planning approach as pursued by conservation organisations across the world.
To learn more, talk to other users or see CMSi in action, please contact us at cmsi@idoxgroup.com