Free download Marine RecorderMarine Recorder is the leading database software for storing, managing and querying data on the UK marine environment - and is entirely free!

It was originally developed to be the marine equivalent of Recorder, but accommodates a much wider range of data, including:

  • surveys and samples
  • species
  • habitats and biotopes
  • environmental variables, such as salinity and temperature
  • physical variables, such as substrate, depth, inclination, sediment type

Marine Recorder data is fully National Biodiversity Network (NBN) compatible. As well as accommodating ad hoc records and general surveys, it has been specifically designed to help with condition monitoring and marine protected sites. Data can be bulk imported from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Marine Recorder also helps with data validation by standardising the data format and checking for errors and inconsistencies.

exeGesIS develops Marine Recorder on behalf of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and provides ongoing support. We also provide training in the use of the software to the statutory nature conservation organisations and others.

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