You can add item tags to the [] in MapServer template files. Useful for tidying number fields, strings etc and coping with NULL fields
name: the name of the attribute to be exposed
format: a simple string containing the token(s) $value, default format is the result of any processing
nullformat: string to return if value is NULL or empty (length=0)
uc: convert string to upper case
lc: convert string to lower case
substr: perform a perl-like substring operation by providing offset, and optionally length (un-implemented as of 3/13/07)
commify: add commas to a numeric string (12345 would become 12,345), note, supports only North American notation at the moment
escape: what type of escaping to do (default is html), permissible values would be html, url, none
precision: number of decimals to retain after the decimal point
pattern: regular expression that must validate (against the column value) to process the tag
Example: [item name=SUM_MB_N precision=2]