ArcGIS (v10 on) no longer reads component categories from the registry, instead component category information is read from configuration files (*.ecfg) stored in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Configuration\CATID
When ArcGIS 10 is packaged in an AppV sequence (bubble), to be used with HBSMR or CAMS, in their own sequences, {a4d1597d-bc1c-4f37-b12a-4bcb2cd2ec2f}_xgmaplinkarcmapextension.ecfg must be present in the real file store rather than Virtual File Store. Ie :
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Configuration\CATID\{a4d1597d-bc1c-4f37-b12a-4bcb2cd2ec2f}_xgmaplinkarcmapextension.ecfg
The GUIDs shown above are for MapLink v4. The following GUID: {a315d61f-0f18-41c8-88dc-f650ae76014c} is for MapLink v5 for ArcGIS.