MapLink issue when packaged with ArcMap 10 and HBSMR or CAMS using AppV

ArcGIS (v10 on) no longer reads component categories from the registry, instead component category information is read from configuration files (*.ecfg) stored in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Configuration\CATID

When ArcGIS 10 is packaged in an AppV sequence (bubble), to be used with HBSMR or CAMS, in their own sequences, {a4d1597d-bc1c-4f37-b12a-4bcb2cd2ec2f}_xgmaplinkarcmapextension.ecfg must be present in the real file store rather than Virtual File Store. Ie :

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Configuration\CATID\{a4d1597d-bc1c-4f37-b12a-4bcb2cd2ec2f}_xgmaplinkarcmapextension.ecfg

The GUIDs shown above are for MapLink v4. The following GUID: {a315d61f-0f18-41c8-88dc-f650ae76014c} is for MapLink v5 for ArcGIS.


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