Laine is responsible for the day to day planning of our development schedule, as well as playing a significant part in software development.

Laine originally trained as a Chemist with a particular interest in quantum chemistry at the University of Leicester. He went on to complete an MSc in remote sensing that then led to him to undertake a PhD on the use of satellite radar and interferometry to measure forest biomass and at Swansea University. Laine has a keen interest in emerging technology in the GIS sector and has worked closely with industry leaders in GIS developing spatial applications across web, desktop and mobile platforms. More recently he has had a leading role in the development of CMSi.

In his spare time, Laine enjoys playing basketball and cricket for local teams and will generally be found in the pub watching any Welsh rugby international match that happens to be on.

Dr. Laine Skinner

Laine Skinner

Development Manager


Telephone: 03330111246