Crispin is an occasional developer, diverse team and project manager, and heritage IT analyst/consultant.

A scientist and archaeologist by training, with many years' experience in fieldwork, academic archaeology and Historic Environment Records, Crispin joined Exegesis in 2001 to work on the HBSMR product for Historic Environment Records. Under his management, HBSMR has gone through several major upgrade cycles, and the user community has continued to grow year on year. The HBSMR team has expanded accordingly, and Crispin believes the success of the product reflects and depends on the strength of the team's deep skills and experience.

Extra modules and a web API have been added, with Crispin working on coding and design with developer colleagues including Hartmut Tschauner. Crispin and the team also contribute actively to national heritage initiatives whenever possible; for example Exegesis' involvement in the Heritage Gateway helped that project to become a success, while the SHINE project for Natural England has dramatically improved the processes for heritage protection through agri-environment schemes.

Crispin joined the Exegesis management team in 2006, and now takes an active role in technical business development, managing our team of developers, and managing projects.

Outside work, Crispin enjoys fell running, cycling, family, and brown beer, though not necessarily in that order.

Crispin Flower

Crispin Flower

Head of GIS Applications and HBSMR Product Manager


Telephone: 03330146871

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