Exegesis Spatial Data Management (an Idox company)


Free Ordnance Survey and other data

'Open data' is a range of free data from the Ordnance Survey covering Great Britain, comprised of:

  • MiniScale® backdrop topographic mapping
  • 1:250 000 Scale Colour Raster
  • Boundary-Line™ local government administrative boundaries and electoral boundaries
  • Code-Point® Open postcode units
  • OS OpenMap - Local 1:10 000 scale street-level colour raster map 
  • OS Open Names™ place name, road number and postcode gazetteer
  • OS Open Rivers™ river network
  • OS Open Roads™ road network
  • OS Terrain® 50 contours and Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
  • OS VectorMap® District vector and raster mapping

We can source and import this into your existing GIS or into your new, charity-licensed, ESRI or MapInfo GIS.

If you are interested in obtaining free map data or if you need any help evaluating what is available please contact us for a chat.
